Honor Roll
Honor Roll Categories and Guidelines
There are 10 honor roll points available each quarter. To earn Honor Roll status, scholars must achieve a 10/10 or 9/10 on each quarterly report card. There are three categories where points can be earned: Academics (4 points), Attendance (maximum of 3 points) and Leadership (maximum of 3 points). Honor Roll students must receive 4 out of 4 academic points and 3 out of 3 leadership points.
Academics (maximum of 4 points)
Scholars can earn one academic point for each of the four classes: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. To earn an academic point for a class a scholar’s final grade for the quarter must be 85% or higher.
Attendance (maximum of 3 points)
Presence: daily attendance in class.
Students must have no more than 2 unexcused absences in the quarter to earn this point
- Suspensions are considered an unexcused absence.
- An absence not accompanied with a letter from the parent and/or doctor is considered an unexcused absence.
Punctuality: coming to school on time (no tardiness)
- Students must have no more than 3 tardy day in the quarter to earn this point
- Excessive unexcused tardy or late days will disqualify scholars from receiving Honor Roll.
Participation: active participation in the classroom.
- Classroom teachers will determine how students will earn this point
Leadership (maximum of 3 points)
Citizenship: acceptable behavior for the quarter.
- Classroom teachers will determine how students earn the point for citizenship, also students must remain in class and not receive an office referral for the quarter.
Character: effort and determination to meet individual, class/grade level, and individual academic and behavior goals.
- Classroom teachers will determine how students will earn the points for citizenship and character based on the classroom and/or grade level behavior management system.
Service: participation in and completion of community-based service learning projects.
- Students must participate in a grade-level service activity if it is offered during the quarter. If students do not participate in the school-sponsored service project they must complete a makeup project approved by their teacher.