Oak Park Fix-it Cafe
Join the Oak Park Neighborhood Association this month as they focus on preparing others for the winter weather! The Oak Park Neighborhood Association is looking for Sac High students who can assist with serving snacks, distributing clothing, face painting and other fun activites, and waterproofing/repairing winter essentials!
Join the Oak Park neighbors who need:
– help fixing and maintaining their bicycles
– help mending garments and sewing
– gardening tips and, help repairing small electrical appliances!
Light refreshments will be provided!
Number of Volunteers needed: 8
Contact: RosaLee Hagstrom (916) 599-3633
Time: 10am-2pm (please arrive at 10am to help with set-up)
LOCATION: United Methodist Church (3600 Broadway Sac, CA 95817)
1. Must commit to attend from 10am-2pm (4 hours)
1. St. HOPE or Sac High Uniform/Spirit/Athletic Shirt
2. Tennis Shoes (that can get dirty)