Grand Opening of Esther’s Park
Last month St. HOPE officially launched its newest development, Esther’s Park! The park, located at 3408 Third Avenue, was created after the unfortunate fall of the historic Esther’s Bakery and will serve as an event space for hosting community gatherings. It is home to a beautiful mural done by Sacramento Charter High School alumni, Aizik Brown, which was part of last year’s Sacramento’s Wide Open Wall event.
On April 18th, St. HOPE and Wide Open Walls jointly held a press conference announcing the opening of the park and this year’s Wide Open Wall dates, which are scheduled for August 8th-18th. Following the press conference, St. HOPE hosted a block party, which included a variety of booths, food trucks, a bounce house, DJ, and tons of families.
Esther’s Park is already booked for a variety of events including barbecues, a silent disco, Gather Oak Park, concerts, and more!