Reading Makes Your World BIG!
Each year PS7 Elementary hosts a Family Literacy Night. The night is full of fun literacy games that families can play on their own at home with their scholars, and families have the opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair. This year, PS7 made the event BIGGER and BETTER than ever! With the hope of exposing scholars to a plethora of cultures and diverse reads, the theme was #ReadingMakesYourWorldBIG! …and a BIG week it was!
Literacy Week kicked off on Monday with guest readers from the community. On Tuesday, scholars went to the Book Fair to preview all of the amazing books. Wednesday was another amazing day with the Kings dancers visiting PS7 to read to scholars. Thursday brought Literacy Night — a night of multicultural performances by all grade levels, a potluck, lots of literacy games, and the Book Fair. With the highest attendance ever, 65% of PS7 families were in attendance for Literacy Night and it was such a success. Friday was the conclusion of Literacy Week with PS7’s annual Read-A-Thon! Scholars raised over $2,000 and had the opportunity to cuddle up in their pajamas, read, and enjoy a story with their teachers. The classes with the most Read-A-Thon participants, Texas Southern and Sacramento State, earned donuts.
Literacy is so vital to our scholars’ success and Literacy Week is truly the BEST week of the year.