Apply for Free and Reduced Lunch


1. Apply online! MealTime Online simplifies the process of filling out the free and reduced-price meals application and submitting it to St. HOPE for processing. Follow the easy online prompts to complete your application.

Start by creating a simple profile.

You can submit an application for one child or an entire family.

All student data that is transmitted is encrypted.

All types of applications can be submitted – Income-based, foster child, CalFresh/CalWORKs, etc.

You can save your application session and re-open it later.

You’ll need your CalFresh or CalWORKS number if you have one, otherwise, you’ll need income information for each household member.

When you’ve completed your application, you will be prompted to enter your electronic signature. Then click “Submit”, and you’re finished! That’s all!

Paper Application (Please fill out and return to your school’s front office) 

Letter to Households

Meal Application