Economic Impact


According to a 2019 economic impact report prepared by the Tootelian Company, the economic impact of St. HOPE is nearly $5.7 million annually in Oak Park and more than $28.1 million annually across the region when jobs, labor income and indirect business tax revenue are factored in. Annually, nearly 390 jobs are created, which means more than $14.5 million in additional labor income that can be spent by households each year, and more than $1.5 million in indirect business taxes are generated.

St. HOPE’s dual education and economic development model also has allowed us to become a financially self-sustaining non-profit, eliminating our dependence on donations for operational revenue. This is significant in Sacramento because our region has the largest per capita number of nonprofits outside of Washington, D.C., but there are no Fortune 500 companies headquartered here.

Our business model generates revenue through real estate development, investments and operating companies that over the years has allowed us to scale our programs and increase our impact. We’re committed to taking a holistic look at opportunities in Oak Park and are hopeful our self-sustaining model combining economic development and education will continue to reap benefits for the community.