Empowering Our Community: Vote, Engage, Inspire!
President's Message - 10.29.2024


The November election is just a few days away and I hope that all eligible voters are making a plan to vote! For Sacramento County, it’s not too late to vote.  You can go to any Vote Center up through November 5th and cast your vote. Your vote is your voice.

Civic engagement in our elections is critically important and I encourage Sacramentans to make their voice heard. On top of the local races which include voting for the City of Sacramento’s next Mayor, City Council, and School Board members, and ballot measures to fund libraries and school construction we also have the opportunity to cast our vote for U.S Senator, Congressmembers, State Legislators as well as 10 state ballot measures, which include two bonds and three constitutional amendments.

To help increase voter education, we proudly partnered with the Sacramento Observer to host an Election Education Symposium. This great event helped residents learn how to detect misinformation on the internet and sift through misinformation that is often pervasive in election campaigns. Attendees heard from candidates running for local offices and a representative from CalMatters explained some of the ballot measures. Whether you’re voting by mail or in person – the important thing is to make a plan to vote on or before November 5th!

In community,

Cassandra H.B. Jennings

President and CEO