St. HOPE Launches Guild Studios


The Historic Guild Theater located on 35th street in the heart of Oak Park is excited to announce the opening of Guild Studios, a full-service recording studio. For months, we have been working to convert what was once an old projector and storage room into a cutting edge recording studio.  Located upstairs, within the Guild Theater, the new studio will boast some of the most cutting edge equipment.  Outfitted with a sound booth and precision acoustic paneling, the studio offers one of the best sounds the region has to offer.  The studio will be available for rent for those looking to create projects that need the professional touch, a comprehensive recording studio. Guild Studios will also be home to Guild 35 Records, a full-service record label that will be seeking, signing, cultivating, creating with and promoting artists and their projects.To learn more, visit Guild Theater at and follow Guild 35 records on Instagram @Guild35Records.